Inspiration Shaté L. Hayes Inspiration Shaté L. Hayes

How to Dance Through Life

How do we sustain our peace, purpose, and joy for the long haul?  How do we push past mistakes?  How do we overcome failures and disappointments to thrive once again?  All of those steps are apart of the dance of life my friend.

While I find it important that each of us be equipped to dance professionally if we so desire, I find it vital that we learn to dance through life.  So, today I want to teach us the steps. 

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Inspiration, Mindset Shaté L. Hayes Inspiration, Mindset Shaté L. Hayes

What to Do While You're Waiting for Your Dreams to Come True

Apparently, dancers know where to look for jobs and auditions.  We know where to turn for classes.  We may even know where to turn for help with taxes, insurance, etc.  But it seems to me that we don't know where to find peace to help us weather the storms.  Here are two strategies that have helped me maintain my peace while I'm waiting for my dreams to come true.  

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