Dance Career 101 Shaté L. Hayes Dance Career 101 Shaté L. Hayes

Ask Me Anything!

I’ve been looking for a way to connect more with my tribe - so, here it is! Ask Me Anything is just that - an opportunity to get answers to your most pressing questions or even general wonderings.

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Dance Career 101 Shaté L. Hayes Dance Career 101 Shaté L. Hayes

6 Career Resources for Dancers

Access to information about becoming a professional dancer has increased greatly with many organizations offering career resources to the dance community at large.  Here's a list of several dance organizations that provide valuable resources to support, develop, or enhance your career. 

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Mindset, Money Matters Shaté L. Hayes Mindset, Money Matters Shaté L. Hayes

Dollars and Sense: How Your Mindset Affects Your Finances

What you believe about any given situation will always trump your actions surrounding it. In fact, limiting beliefs are one of the biggest obstacles you may face, and they get you nowhere fast.

If you truly want to reach your goals, financial or otherwise, it’s critical that you align your thoughts with your actions. Here are a few tips to help you level up your mindset, which will, in turn, help you level up your money too.  

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Inspiration Shaté L. Hayes Inspiration Shaté L. Hayes

Dreams Come True, But Not Overnight

Everyone has intense passion for the dreams they're waiting to come true, but that's just it...they're still waiting.  They feel like they're ready, they're talented, and they're qualified, but their dreams jobs have yet to manifest.  That's okay.  Great things take time to come to pass.

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