Finding Work Shaté L. Hayes Finding Work Shaté L. Hayes

25+ Job Boards for Dancers

Finding dance work can be one of the trickiest parts of actually being a professional dancer.  With that, we thought we'd simplify your search by compiling a list of over 25 jobs boards that publish dance and other arts notices. 

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Inspiration, Mindset Shaté L. Hayes Inspiration, Mindset Shaté L. Hayes

Nail Your Whole Dance Career by Doing This One Thing

If I had done this one thing from the very beginning, I could have saved myself so much heartache and lessons learned the hard way. Thankfully, those very lessons will help you have a much smoother start on your journey than I did.  Continue reading to discover the one thing you should do now to start making your way towards success in your dance career.

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Professional Skills, Dance Career 101 Guest Contributor Professional Skills, Dance Career 101 Guest Contributor

Give YOURSELF a Break!: 3 Ways to Boost Your Dance Career with Grad School

If you’re looking for a great way to take matters into your own hands, to give YOURSELF a break, and to launch (or relaunch) your professional career and personal life, then grad school might just be the next step for you.  Check out three of the most important things I learned during grad school and how you can use them to give your dance career an immediate boost.  

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