Finding Balance: Don't Let Your Dance Life Be Your WHOLE Life
As artistic entrepreneurs, we create our own goals, to-do lists, schedules, and more. This can be beautifully freeing and sometimes scary. Here are a few tips to help you stay focused, healthy, and happy in your career.
Dollars and Sense: How Your Mindset Affects Your Finances
What you believe about any given situation will always trump your actions surrounding it. In fact, limiting beliefs are one of the biggest obstacles you may face, and they get you nowhere fast.
If you truly want to reach your goals, financial or otherwise, it’s critical that you align your thoughts with your actions. Here are a few tips to help you level up your mindset, which will, in turn, help you level up your money too.
4 Types of Dance Careers & How They Make Money
We all know that there's no set path to becoming a professional dancer. Aside from the years of training, dedication, and hard work, no two dancer's career paths will be exactly the same. So your starting point is here...ready to be a #workingdancer. Next, you'll need to know where you're going. Here's some insight to help you find your destination.
How to Get Out of Your Head So You Can Nail Your Dance Audition
Since auditioning is such a huge part of a professional dancer's career, the info in this post is priceless. Not only am I giving you a whole slew of valuable audition tips, but I'm going to tell you about my worst audition ever! It's important to me that you know that there is life after a failure. If I can recover from my epic crash and burn and go on to have a fulfilling dance career, then you can too.
Okay. So here's the story.
Networking for Dancers
Networking is vital in developing your professional dance career, and I've laid it all out in my upcoming book, The Freelance in Dance Road Map. The book outlines four key steps to getting work as well as a plethora of additional tips to help you along the way. Here's a sneak preview of the section on networking.
Sole Talk #2: Biggest Obstacle as a Working Dancer?
"What has been your biggest obstacle as a working dancer?" My response may throw you for a loop. See for yourself.
How to Make Positive Lasting Impressions
When it comes to building your dance career, the impressions you make are even more important. Developing relationships and leaving positive lasting impressions are essential to getting and sustaining work as a freelance dancer.
Tax Tips for Dancers
When I started making money solely from my work as a professional dancer, tax time got so much more complicated. Get all your ducks in a row well before next year's tax season. Here are a few tips to help you do that.
How Your Focus Affects Your Attitude About Your Career
My dance career pursuit was in the pits. Part of my trip to "Bitter-Town" and "Resentful-Ville" was funded by my winnings from the Dare-to-Compare game I'm always playing. And it goes a little something like this...
Sole Talk #1: You have a dance degree. Now What?
I'd like to introduce you to Sole Talk, the "chat room" where our working dancer tribe can ask questions that haven't been covered yet on Tweet your question to me at @ChoreoByShate, and I'll feature it on my next session of Sole Talk. First up, what to do after your gotten your college dance degree.
How Your Ego Can Prevent You From Getting Work - Pt. 2
I wasn't moving forward as quickly as I wanted to, and my ego wanted me to quit. So I did. Or at least I tried to. Learn from my mistakes. Don't let anything come between you and your dance career dreams.
How Your Ego Can Prevent You from Getting Work - Pt. 1
I realized that my ego was not letting me be great. Even though her (as in my ego) intentions may have been pure, she was keeping me from living my life to the fullest. Don't let your ego keep your from fulfilling your dance career dreams.