Dallas Hip-Hop Fest: Hip-Hop that Educates and Inspires
From great classes, to opportunities for professional advancement, to awesome performance opportunities, DHDF is something that every Hip-Hop head should experience, and it's exactly the type of Hip-Hop event that the media needs to scream about from the mountaintops.
How to Make Positive Lasting Impressions
When it comes to building your dance career, the impressions you make are even more important. Developing relationships and leaving positive lasting impressions are essential to getting and sustaining work as a freelance dancer.
How Your Focus Affects Your Attitude About Your Career
My dance career pursuit was in the pits. Part of my trip to "Bitter-Town" and "Resentful-Ville" was funded by my winnings from the Dare-to-Compare game I'm always playing. And it goes a little something like this...
Sole Talk #1: You have a dance degree. Now What?
I'd like to introduce you to Sole Talk, the "chat room" where our working dancer tribe can ask questions that haven't been covered yet on TheWorkingDancer.com. Tweet your question to me at @ChoreoByShate, and I'll feature it on my next session of Sole Talk. First up, what to do after your gotten your college dance degree.
How Your Ego Can Prevent You From Getting Work - Pt. 2
I wasn't moving forward as quickly as I wanted to, and my ego wanted me to quit. So I did. Or at least I tried to. Learn from my mistakes. Don't let anything come between you and your dance career dreams.
How to Find the Dance Jobs You Actually Want
Creating a dance career is definitely not your cookie cutter career where you enroll in a training program and are guaranteed a job with a salary and benefits upon completion. Instead, choosing a dance career affords you the opportunity to create the life and jobs you want.